1. Good design is innovative.
4. Good design makes a product understandable
9. Good design is enviromentally friendly
Can I combine different types of plastic to create a product made for circulair use?
What material other than plastic is suited for circulair design?
Dutch Profiles: Lucas Maassen
Brain Wave Sofa
Dutch Profiles: Dirk van der Kooij
Chubby Chair
Dutch Profiles: Tjeerd Veenhoven
Potato Laminate
Questions that need anwsering
Start at 3:30 - The Brain Wave Sofa is connected to the designers brain and constantly moving and changing shape.
Start at 2:25 - The lines are much thicker than normal, this speeds up the printing process. It gets printed flat on the ground, reheated and shaped into a chair when done.
The glue is made from patato starch. This is pressed on a burlap rug and dried.
I chose the Pressed Chair by Harry Thaler because it stands for everything i aspire to achieve in a final masterpiece:
- pressed from one sheet of material
- 100% recycable
- timeless
The Pressed Chair was designed in 2011 by Harry Thaler.
2D becomes 3D
A 2.5 mm thin aluminium sheet is transformed into a sustainable chair in a pressing process. The Pressed Chair gets the necessary stability from circumferential indentations and curvatures that also give it its characteristic outer appearance at the same time.
What I like about the chair is the choice of material; aluminium can be reused eternally. Furthermore is the process from 2D to 3D a great way to create a funtional chair with less material.